Friday, December 26, 2008

Taylor and Filp Made it Home!

Hello all! I hope you are having a wonderful Holiday Season. As for me, well, I am soo happy that one of my best friends from academy, and her husband, finally made it back to the US for Christmas. This is my friend Taylor and her husband Filip. Their paper work, to come home, was taking too long and they missed their original flight home a week ago. So Wednesday, when they arrived here, I had to rush over to see them. It has been a year since I saw Taylor and two years since I saw Filip. I knew with their shorten trip, due to the paper work delays, that there were going to be a lot of family that wanted to see them too. So, I high tailed it over there when her mom, Laure, texted me that they were home. Welcome home the both of you! And to all the rest of you I hope that the joys of the season are abundant for you and your loved ones.

Talk to you soon!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Asheville, NC

Hello all! Yesterday I got to spend the day with my sister and her her boyfriend driving over to my old home town. We left early to so that we could go to church, drive up and see the old house, the old school, and go and visit my Mother's aunt, who is not doing well. It was so nice to all the faces of my childhood and some new ones. No matter how long it has been since I left, it is still going home to me. I love you all and yall will always have a special place in my heart.

Talk to you soon!

Friday, December 5, 2008

This Time of Year

Hello all! This time of year is always exciting for me, because I love love love Christmas. And this year I am even more excited with the fact that one of my cousins is back for the holidays from Australia, another cousin and her husband and kids is coming out here from California and one of my best friends in the whole world is coming home with her husband from England for Christmas. To top that, and yes it can be, I am pleased to announce that my cousin Amanda has just given birth to a little baby boy, Baby James 6 lbs 7 oz 19 in, this afternoon. Baby's first Christmas! Christmas is truly my favorite holiday. No matter how old I get, in my mind I revert back to the little kid who would just get soo excited by all that was going on, and would end up telling the family what they were getting from him for Christmas. (Granted I don't tell them now, but I still get excited its hard to not tell them, lol.) I am not sure if I remember this because I did it or because we have on tape, but I was about two years old and just was soo excited about Christmas that it was hard for me to sleep. I ended up down stairs with Mother and Daddy eating Cheerios watching my sister's bobble Santa under the tree. All the time tickeling myself with the tree. Christmas is my favorite time of year. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas this year.

Talk to you soon!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

New Favorite Christmas Album

Hey all! Ok for those of you who know me, you know I am a HUGE Kristin Chenoweth fan, lol. I am so excited to let all of you know that she has just come out with her first Christmas album ever, this year. All of you need to go get a copy.

Talk to you later!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Atlanta Weekend

Hello all! I had a fun time in Atlanta with my friends this weekend. Thank you so much Amanda for letting us invade your apt. and your life for the weekend. I was disappointed because I could not sneak my camera into the Atlanta Civic Center Sat. night for the concert. So you will have to go to Celtic Thunder's Website to see and hear what they look like and sound like. Before the concert we went to one of my new favorite Italian restaurant called Buca di Beppo. After the concet Amanda, Jeremy, Lindsey and I met up with Roy, who came down with us, and our friend Ryan who lives down there. We met up at Suno, which is one of the best desert places. This morning the others got up early to go to buy tickets and go to a football game, while I stayed back at the apt. to study and just chill. After they got back from the football game, and before we headed out, we all went to eat at this really cool Malaysian restaurant called Penang, and I ordered their Golden Fried Eggplant, without the dried shrimp on it. Well I have to head to bed now, I have a busy day in the morning with school.

Talk to you soon!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Long time no Blog

Hey all! Wow it has been a long time since I blogged. I have been so busy with school and work and just being a senior. But this week I am in Atlanta with friends. My parents, this last summer gave me money for tickets to a concert for this weekend to a relitively new group called Celtic Thunder. I am so excited to share this experience with my friends. I will blog later with pictures of this weekend.

Talk to you soon!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Elevate 4 2008 Workshop

Hey all! I just thought I would post a couple of photos that I took at Garrett's and Joy's Elevate 4 2008 Workshop. This is Annette, and she was gracious enough to come up from Atlanta, where she and her husband and sister-in-law run a medspa, as well as modeling and designing dresses, and model for us.

Talk to you soon!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

New Book

Hey all! I just starting reading Nicholas Sparks' new book "The Lucky One." It is so good, and I am glad that fall break has started and gives me a chance to start it. This week has been busy with mid-terms and Garrett and Joy's Elevate 2008 Workshop. Today we had a shoot, and tomorrow Garrett and I are going to do my senior portraits. I am looking forward to that even though I prefer to be behind the camera. Well I went out and bought another book to sit on my shelf until I finish Sparks' new book. This summer Garrett had me watch the movie P.S. I Love You (2008), and I fell in love with that movie and story. Ever since then I have been looking for that book, and every book store has been sold out. The other week I broke down and ordered it. I am so excited and I want to start that one too, but I have to wait. But, if you have not watched the movie you need to go and buy it, not just rent it, but buy it. I guarantee that you will love it.

Talk to you soon!

Friday, October 3, 2008

So Excited...

Hey all! I am so excited because my new book just got here this week. This summer for my birthday Garrett and Joy gave me a gift card to Barns & Noble, which I have been saving. I new that my favorite author, Nicholas Sparks, was working on his new book, The Lucky One, that was scheduled to be release this fall. I have been waiting for it to come out and when I saw that I could pre-order it, I jumped on that and now have it. Sadly, I will not be able to read it until "Fall Break" but thats ok. I am just glad it is here. Also, go check out his new book to film Nights in Rodanthe with Richard Geere and Diane Lang, in theaters now. But I incorage you to read the book first.

Talk to you soon!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

New Favorite Quote

Hey all! I was watching a movie the other day with my dad and I heard this quote and was so inspired by it, I wanted to to share it with you.

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, Who are you not to be? We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is with in us. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same." -Marianne Williamson

Hope it helps you in some way!

Talk to you soon!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Sad News

Hey all! I just saw some sad news. One of the most talented actors, writers, racecar driver, saled dressing king and philanthrapists died toda. Paul Newman at age 83 pasted away. Please keep his family in your prayers.

Talk to you soon!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Ashley and Jordan's Wedding Logo

Hello all! This summer my friends Ashley and Jordan asked me to design a logo for them to use on all of their wedding "products." They did not know exactly what they wanted, and asked me to just come up with stuff and then show them. That was hard for me because I was running out of ideas and asked Ashely to please show me some that she liked. She went to a blog of a graphic designer named Dio Selina, who is a wonderful graphic designer. Ashley found several that she liked and asked me to try and make something similar to those. Now we finaly have the logo done.Here is the logo, I am glad that we finally have something and now we can start on the save the date cards, invitations, etc.

Talk to you soon!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Friends in Florida

Hello people! I have the pictures of me hanging out with my friends and my cousin ready to show you now. You ready?
This is Danielle (on the left), and Sarah (in the middle) and of course me. Danielle and Sarah both graduated my freshman year in college. They both worked in the same department I did as well, and because of that, we became good friends. Now they both are in Florida working, I miss you guys. And Congratulations to Sarah and Chris on your up coming wedding. Oh and Sarah, I still think of your "Where is Waldow" (with a certain professor) fund raising plan. It still makes me laugh. We all got to go out and eat Friday night for supper, and just talk and catch up.
This is me of course, and my cousin Gina. Gina graduated my freshman year too, and now works down in Florida as well. I miss her so much, the chaplain's office is not the same with out you. Gina introduced me to her boyfriend Kevin, who is totally awesome. Kevin had me over for Sabbath lunch with them, and I just got to hang out with them all afternoon. Thank you Kevin for letting me invade your house.

It was so great to see old friends, and new friends over this trip. Thanks to Chris and Kevin for taking the photos, sorry you could not be in them. You two are luck to have very sweet girls, hold on to them tight. That is it for now.

Talk to you soon!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Photo Shoot and Florida

Hey all! Sorry its been so long. I am still trying to get back into the swing of things since I got back from Florida. The trip was great and the photo shoot was amazing. I got to hang out with some friends from college that are now down there working. I also got to see my cousin and meet her boyfriend. I will have pictures posted from hanging out with my friends and my cousin later. And then on Sunday we had a wedding, that went great without a hitch. Hope all of you are doing well too. Garrett and Joy's Open House for coBBlestone rue is this Thursday, RSVP only. Sorry. But be checking his blog for pictures from the event.

Talk to you soon!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Photo Shoots

Hello all! I want to first wish my cousin Bree a Happy Birthday!! I love you and wish I could be with y'all to help you celebrate, but since I can't have fun with Brandon and Ali.
I had such a fun time last night. Garrett called and said that there was a photo shoot scheduled for a family portrait session and asked if I wanted to come. When I found out that it was one of my closest friends from Academy's family I was so excited. That family is so much fun to hang out with and just plain crazy. lol (luv y'all)
This week, I leave with Garrett on Thursday morning for Florida. We have a Bridal Magazine shoot on Friday and a Wedding on Sunday. I'm so excited to go and get this great learning experience, and see my cousin and her boyfriend and another friend I haven't seen in two years.
This internship with Garrett is the most worthwhile experience that I have had up to this point. Everyone deserves to have a boss/supervisor like Garrett and Joy.

Talk to you soon!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Last first day of school

Hello everybody! This is me getting in my car for that last first day of school. After all that had happened with my schedule, I had my classes and they were fun. I think that I am going to like them. However, today I had a little moment. I wrote down the wrong time for my class today and showed up an hour late for class, just as they were getting out. What a way to start off the year, huh? Luckily the teacher was cool about it.
Last night was the "Welcome Back Party" for our department, we had pizza as usual but we did something a little different this year for the activity. This year we rented Lazar Tag guns and had games in the hallway of our department. At first when I found out about it, I thought it was going to be lame. But earlier this week when we got them and were testing them out, I thought, "Ok this isn't as lame as I thought it would be. This is actually fun."
I still have one more first class period for Monday, tennis. This is the class that I'm so excited about and can't wait for. I haven't had a lesson in 18 years, and with just getting back into playing I'm stoked.

Talk to you soon!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Hello all! School starts for me tomorrow. I thought that I had had my schedule all done and everything would be fine. But this morning I found out that I had two classes over lapping and had to redo my entire schedule for this semester and next semester, so that I would still be able to graduate on time. So now I have an 8am class tomorrow, grr! Anywho, hope all of you are well.

Talk to you soon!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Vacation Pictures and Apple Harvest

Hey everyone! I finally had some time to find some vacation photos to share with you all. This is me and the family on the beach near our condos.

This is our condo, it is a four story condo with the Kitchen and Living room on the top floor. The middle two floors have the bedrooms, four bedrooms and four baths. My sister's room was the middle window.
He is the backside of our condo. The Living room balcony is the top one, the screened-in balcony is my parents room, and the bottom balcony is my room.
We were walking on the beach one night and saw this big something up on the beach. As we got closer, we realized that it was part of the bottom of a boat. So I had to get a couple shots of it, because it looked cool with the tide coming in.
This dog was the softest stuffed animal that I have ever felt. It was flat so it could lay on your bed or over your arm, basically anything. I almost bought it, but it was $40. And what is a grown guy going to do with a stuffed animal?
This is my favorite little furniture and house wares store. This store does not have furniture you can get just anywhere. I fell in love with this store when I was 15 years old, and any time we go on vacation down this way, I always have to stop.

This chair I found in "Blue" when I was 15, and I think this is the reason that I love the store, ok maybe not the only reason. But this chair is the most comfortable chair I have ever sat in.This is a little store called "Persnickety". It is called the "Shop of shops" because in side the store is partitioned off into little "booth" type areas, where small local businesses can rent space and sell their products. One of the owners has her own space, she is graphic designer that is Awesome!
Back home it is Apple picking time. In 13 years we have only had four apples from our two apple trees. This year one of our trees was loaded and our other one had four. Well those four were found by the birds, as were a good amout from our full tree, but I was able to pick just over a bushel of apples from our tree this morning. It was a lot of fun.
I had to get a picture of these apples! When I picked them this morning I was surprised to realize that they have one stem. I think they look like they are kissing.
Well all, I have to get to bed for an early day tomorrow. But I just wanted to share with you a little of our vacation and show you my farmer skills. Hope you all have a great weekend.

Talk to you soon!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Happy Birthday Jeremy!

Hey all! Sorry it has seemed like I have not been around. Last week I was on vaca with the family, and I will post pics from it soon I promise. After getting back on Sunday, I jumped into work on a freelance design project I have been working on. Then Monday I started back at my internship, and at night of course the Olympics! I will get them up soon, but I did have to stop by and wish my friend Jeremy a Happy Birthday. I had fun hanging out with him and some other friends tonight, and playing scatagories for the first time in my life. Anywho, Happy Birthday again dude.

Talk to you soon!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Prayer Request

Hey everyone!
I have been processing this for about a week now and really have not shared this with many people. I would like for you to pray for my family, especially for my mothers Aunt Fresia. Aunt Fresia was just told that her lung cancer has come back aggressively in both lungs. The first doctor told her that she had six months to a year to live. But after seeing a second doctor to get another opinion, she found out that it was more aggressive than the first doctor led onto. He gave her three months. My prayer, as well as the rest of the family, is that she will not suffer. This little lady is from Chili and has only been able to go back home once since she married my mother's Uncle Billy. You will never meet a more positive person. Through this her attitude has not changed.
Please keep her in your prayers. Thank you all so much.

Talk to you soon!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Old Friends

Hey everybody! I would like to introduce you to one of my best best friends from academy days. This is Amber, she came up to see her parents this week and came by to see me as well. Some friendships, and people, never change. This is one person that I get around and no matter how long we have been apart, we can pick up right where we left off. I have always said that there are four people in this world who girls have to get approved by to date me. My mother, my dad, my sister and of course Amber. I miss you buddy, and want you to move back! Good luck with school this year.

Talk to you soon!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Happy Birthday Lindsey!

Hey everyone! Yesterday was one of my best friends, Lindsey Gaspard's, birthday. It was really nice, just a bunch of us, including her parents who flew down from New England and her sister who drove up from Atlanta, GA, went to a restaurant near our school called 'Rain'. The food was amazing, I ordered the Yellow Curry, its a Thai food place. After wards, Jeremy, Lindsey's boyfriend, "had to go get gas in his car" but that was an excuse for several of us to go back to Lindsey's place and blow up balloons. (Never get three guys blowing up balloons.) It was a total surprise when she came back and she saw the lights go off in her place from outside, then to walk in and have the floor covered in balloons.Lindsey got what she's been wanting from her sister Amanda. We watched it after she opened up all her gifts and modeled the clothes that she also was given. Grace, your's was so beautiful.
Here is the gang, minus Britni who had a Documentary to catch and Ru who had to go home and study for her summer class. Hope you had a Happy Happy Birthday Lindsey! Now you are as old as me!

Talk to you soon!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Atlanta, GA

Hey everyone, I just got a hold of the group shot from my trip to Atlanta, GA with some of my friends a week ago. This restaurant, that I can't remember the name of right now, has some of the best garlic fried eggplant.
My friends and I went down to see our friend Amanda, sister to Lindsey, who lives down their and is going to school. We miss her up here and wish she wasn't so far away, but its a good thing that she isn't farther than that. (Yea for only an 1 hr and half away.)

Talk to you soon!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Family Outing

Hey everyone, I just thought I would share with you some photos of one of my favorite Universities ever. Ever hear of Sewanee, the University of the South? This university is so beautiful, it is like stepping over into Europe but in Tennessee.
This is one of the classroom buildings that is attached to the church which is an Anglican, Cathedral. Right before we left, we drove past the cemetery and we saw a deer eating some of the grass growing on top of the graves. I grabbed my camera and walked slowly and talked softly and go really close and many pictures before he took off running.
This was just such an awesome experience. He kept checking me out to see if I was going to harm him, but as long as I just talked slow he was fine. This was the closest I have ever been able to be to a deer except in a petting zoo.
If you ever have a chance to go to Suwanee, take it you will not regret it.

Talk to you soon!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Hanging Out With Friends

Hey everyone! TGIF!
This evening I had the opportunity to hang out with some of my friends at my house for a change. Most of the time I am at their houses. We had a hot dog roast, in a fire pit in my families driveway, and my mom did a wonderful job with all the food, especially the icecream desert 'Buster Bars'. It was a big hit with my friends, except Matt who is vegan. After the food was over we sat around talking as the sun was setting. Then Jeremy got out my dad's guitar and we all sat around singing 'Praise and Worship' songs for hours. As soon as one would end, we would start another one. One time we thought it was drawing to a close and my mom asked us to keep going.
Jeremy props to how fast your fingers can fly on those strings.
Thank you to my mother and dad for letting my friends invade their house.

Talk to you soon!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Portfolio Site

Hello again! I just realized that I did not inform you about my portfolio site. Two years ago I created a site for a class on my emphasis in school. I am Mass Communications major emphasizing in Photography. So my site was a photography site, and I was never really in love with the site, it just was not me. This past year I went on a search to find out what is me and how can it represent me, as in my identity package. I loved my logo that my teacher, Laure Chamberlain, helped me create but everything else just did not say "Courtney Herod." During another class I had to create a business card for myself and that is when everything started to fall into place. I chose my colors and then once I had my business cards done, they screamed me. I have been working on my new site that is not just photography. This site will cover my writing (the published works that is), my designs (I am a freelance graphic designer), and my photography. One thing that people do not realize is that just because my emphasis is photography, that is not my major. The degree I will graduate with in May will be a BS in Mass Communication. This degree trains me in every form of communication, basically making it possible for me to work anywhere.
I am really excited about b
eing a senior this year, the end is in site. Part of my senior year will be working on a senior project. I will being have a gallery showing, tba, towards the end of the school year showcasing my work from this year in the photography aspect of my degree. This summer has really been a learning experience for me. I have been interning with international wedding photographer Garrett Nudd of Garrett Nudd Photography and of coBBlestone rue a couture portrait studio. He and his wife Joy, have been so incredibly nice and helpful as I get ready to head out into the world of work for the rest of my life. I am so greatful to them for giving me this incredible eyeopening experience. Thank you to both of you!
I will be posting this year some of my designs from clients as well as I will let you all know when my new site is up and active.

Talk to you soon.

New to Blogging

Hello everybody on the world wide web!
I have decided to start blogging to keep you all updated on what is happening with me as I head into my senior year.
I am starting to plan out my year and what I have to do to see that little piece of paper in my hand in May.
I have never blogged anywhere but MySpace so I might not keep this as updated as I would like to. But I will try not to leave you out on my incredible life. lol
