Sunday, July 27, 2008

Family Outing

Hey everyone, I just thought I would share with you some photos of one of my favorite Universities ever. Ever hear of Sewanee, the University of the South? This university is so beautiful, it is like stepping over into Europe but in Tennessee.
This is one of the classroom buildings that is attached to the church which is an Anglican, Cathedral. Right before we left, we drove past the cemetery and we saw a deer eating some of the grass growing on top of the graves. I grabbed my camera and walked slowly and talked softly and go really close and many pictures before he took off running.
This was just such an awesome experience. He kept checking me out to see if I was going to harm him, but as long as I just talked slow he was fine. This was the closest I have ever been able to be to a deer except in a petting zoo.
If you ever have a chance to go to Suwanee, take it you will not regret it.

Talk to you soon!

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