Sunday, December 27, 2009

Merry Late Christmas

Hey all! I just wanted to wish you a Merry LATE Christmas. I hope that all of you had a wonderful and relaxful Christmas and I want to wish you all a Happy New Year.

Talk to yall soon!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Photoshop Fun

Hey all! So I had some fun playing with Photoshop today and not editing photos. I was inspired by a "moving announcement" I found on a card site. Here:

Here is what I came up with. Its similar but a little different at the same time. You can use this as a computer desktop wallpaper.
Talk to yall soon!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Merry Christmas!!

Hey all! I know it's been a while since I wrote. I really didnt have anything new until resent and then I got really busy. Well my prayers have been answered, I have a job now as well as I bought a new car. As well as I got involved with the Christmas Choir for church and designed the program for the "Lessons and Carols" which was for our Christmas program. Not only did I do the layout for it but I did the artwork for the cover of it too. Here is what the program looked like.Talk to yall soon! And have a Happy and most Joyous Holiday Season!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Stephan & Katie

Hey all! I know its been a while since my last post, sorry about that. It has been a little crazy.
A few weeks back, my friend Stephan called me to ask me to shoot his engagement photos. After having to reschedule the shoot once, we finally were able to go down town and shoot. We walked all over the city and here are a few shots from the outing.

Hope you all enjoyed. Talk to yall soon!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

It's Fall!!

Hey all! I am so excited that its Fall. I love this time of year. The crisp cool mornings, the shifting and blowing of the leaves, and you cannot forget raking leaves into piles and jumping in them (I haven't done that in years). After seeing Dio Selina's, one of my design inspirations, free October Calendar on her blog, I went back to one of my old drawings of a pumpkin I did in drawing class.

I took my drawing into illustrator and digitized it.

Happy Fall People! Go to Dio's blog and download/print the free calendar.

Talk to yall soon!

Monday, October 5, 2009

"It's Jimmy Carter, you IDIOT!!"

Hey all! Ok, so here's the deal, Friday morning I was watching 'The Bonnie Hunt Show,' which has been a morning tradition for most of my time in college that I have continued while job searching, and she played a game called "Young People Don't Know Nuttin." The panel was made up of three "kids" in their 20s. I decided to play along at home since I am in my 20s. I sat their and answered the questions, all right if I might add, while only one of the panel members got the highest score out of like 10 of 3 questions right. Granted I knew some of the answers because of my parents and my Dad's trivia knowledge that he has shared with my sister and me over the years. But the one question that made me want to reach through the television screen and shake all the contestants, was when Bonnie showed a picture of President Jimmy Carter and asked what famous person is this. After each contestant had time to write the answers down on their marker boards, they began to show their answers and I was never more ashamed of my generation as I was then. None of them knew who he was!! Learn your HISTORY PEOPLE!!!!!

Talk to yall soon!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Sr. Project Gallery

Hello all! I have finally uploaded all of my galleries on website. Now I just need to remember to keep everything updated. Check it out:

Talk to yall soon!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Polo Is Cool!

Hello all! Sorry it's been a while since I posted anything. Nothing much is new in my life right now, still job searching. I did however go to a Polo Match on Sunday at Bendabout Farms. Had a blast, and the great thing is...Bendabout's team WON! Here is one of the shots I got during the match.

Talk to yall soon!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Self Protrait

Hey yall! Sorry it has been a while since I posted anything. I have been busy finishing up internship and moving back home. Before I left North Carolina, my boss sketched out a picture of me and scanned so that I could take it into Illustrator. I just thought I would share the vector image that I created from it.I have had fun practicing with the pentool. Thanks again Becky for the sketch, I cannot wait to see that baby.

Talk to ya soon!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Illustrator and Pentool Fun

Hello all! I just thought I would share a couple things that I was playing with in Adobe Illustrator CS4. I have been working on control of the pentool.

Tallk to yall soon!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Fine Art Gallery

Hello all! I know, twice in one day?!? Just wanted to share with yall that I have my "Fine Art" gallery up now, still working on my "Senior Project" gallery. Here is a sneak peak.

Talk to yall later!

Some stuff I have been working on at my Internship

Hey yall! Its been a little bit since the last time I posted anything up.
Here are some of the logos, Adventure patch and button that I have done while working for the Carolina Conference Office this summer.

Talk to ya soon!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Hey yall! Wow, I can't believe its been over a month since I posted anything last. Well here is a poster that I did the photo for as well as I used a couple of photos from this shoot for my senior project. Christina was awesome to work with, and is an incredible singer and performer.

Talk to ya soon!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Adrienne & Desmond

Hello all! I know, one post right after the other. WOW! The same day that my friend Karla texted me, I had made plans to do a fun shoot with two of my other friends. Here are a few of those photos.Adrienne and Desmond are a fun couple to shoot. I was in this beautiful location all week and they were coming up for the weekend. I thought that this would be a perfect place to shoot, so I texted Adrienne to see if they were up for it, and they both thought it was a fun idea. Thanks you guys for posing for me!

Talk to yall soon!

Engaged! lol, not me.

Hey all! OH MY WORD! It has been so long since I posed anything! After getting to NC, I have just been going, going, going and gone every weekend (by choice on the weekends, lol). I got a text the other week that one of my good friends got engaged, and she and her boyfriend posed for pictures for me, for my senior project. So I just wanted to give a shout out to them and post one of the pics from that shoot.Congratulations Karla and Bannor, I am so happy for yall.

Talk to yall soon!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

NC here I come!

Hey all! Hope all of you have been doing great since the last time I posted anything. Well to catch you up...I finished all of my finals, passing each one and keeping my GPA up, I graduated and have had a couple weeks to just chill. But today, I got the call telling me that an internship that I had applied for had chosen me to be their intern for the summer. I am super excited and nervous all at the same time, it would not be normal if I was not. So come the beginning of next week I will be in NC for the next 10 weeks. After that, I still do not know.

Talk to yall soon!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

I am DONE!

Hello all! I am so happy that I have finished my last finals of my undergrad education. I want to thank all of you who encoraged me through these last four years of my college career. All that is left, is graduation practice tomorrow, the graduation weekend, and on sunday marching across the stage to get my diploma. After that, I will continue my job search.

Talk to yall soon!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Graduation here I come.

Hey all! I finished my last class of college today, it felt so good. All I have now are three more finals. So close. On a more exciting note, which I know how can it get more exciting than graduating, graduation cards are coming in. I thought I would share with all of yall the most elaborate card I have ever received in my entire life, and will probably be the most elaborate I will ever have the privilege to receive.
Talk to yall soon!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Ethiopian Food Rocks!!

Hey all! I had a blast in Atlanta last night with friends. We went down just to get Ethiopian good. My workout partner is originally from Ethiopia and has been wanting all of us to experience some of his culture. It was so worth it.
Talk to yall soon!

Friday, April 17, 2009

One Week to Go!!

Hey all! I am so excited that graduation is almost here. I am sitting in my class and realized that I only have three more class periods in this class, then text week. This semester has been so busy and so hectic, I am so looking forward to hearing my name called, walking across the stage, shaking Bietz's hand and posing for the photo, waiting on the other side of the stage as my cousin (who will be right behind me) to congratulate him as well. While I only took four years, and some of my friends have taken longer, this has been a long journey that I never thought would come to an end. I sit here in class reminiscing over my last four years of college, thinking of what I would have liked to do differently and the times I wish I had taken to hangout with friends more.
I want to thank all of you who have been praying for me as I attend classes that are harder for me than others. Calling me and asking when my tests are, so that you can be praying for me as I study and take the tests. That has meant so much to me that it is impossible for me to express my gratitude.
To my friends: In high-school, I believe we make friends to survive. There are those friends for high-school that I can see myself staying in contact with for life, but we have changed and have grown in many ways and a the majority of the ways are apart. In college, I believe that those friends you make more of choice according to the growth that is taking place with in you. These friends I do believe you will keep in better contact with. I hope that is true, because the friends that I have made here in college, I am going to miss you more than the school. Thank you for allowing me to be apart of your life.
Well I probably should pay attention now, to insure my graduation. :)

Talk to yall soon!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I am Featured!

Screenshot of School of Journalism & Communication's website.

Two weeks left...

Hi all! Ok, I know its been a while since I wrote anything about what is happening. So here we go.
This past weekend I had my senior project gallery showing. I was so nervous that no one would show up. However, I was pleasantly surprised that we had over 100 people, made up of community members, students, and church members. (I will put a slideshow up later. Still working on trying to find the right slideshow program.)
Now, I have the senior bug, lol. I cannot wait for graduation, I just have to make it through the next two weeks.

Talk to yall soon!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

OMW: I can't believe this happened!

This is so unreal, I can't believe this happened. Ok people, if you go to the zoo...stay on the safe side of the fence. It is completely stupid to climb it. (Especially during feeding time.)

Talk to yall soon!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Christine Stewart: You are soo sweet!

I came home to find this today. I was shocked and touched at this sweet gift.
Thank you again, Christine.

Talk to yall soon!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

TarHeels Baby!

I am so proud of you boys! You did me proud.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Spring Break...

Hello all! I know its been a while since my last post, but I have been extremely busy with school. I have a couple of classes that I am fighting to keep my head above water. I still do not know what I am going to use chemistry for in MY degree. But, I am just having to suck it up and deal with it.
Well, my senior project is almost done. That is my main goal over this break to finish the edits, and my last shoot, so that I can order the prints. I spent this morning talking over my options with Garrett. (I really miss going down to the studio everyday, like I did over the summer.)
I will try to catch you up on the happenings of my life a little more promptly in the future.

Talk to you soon!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

WPPI Excitement...

Hello all! I hope that yall have had a good couple of weeks since my last blog. Things have been really crazy with school, projects, and midterms. (God willing my last midterms of undergrad, lol.) I am just looking forward to this coming Thursday and the starting of Spring Break!

About a month ago, I was hanging out downtown at the studio with Garrett and he tells me that he was going to enter a couple of the photos, he had taking in my senior session, WPPI (which is like the biggest thing for photographers). That kind of made me nervous that people would be looking and analyzing pictures of me, so I tried to put it out of my mind.

I knew that this past week Garrett would be out there, but I tried not to think about it and just focus on school. I went to the eye doctor Thursday, of this past week, and on the way home I get this text from Garrett, "Dude, check your email!!!" I quickly fired back that I would when I get home, I am in the car. To which I received, "Ok. Don't text and drive. LOL." (He did not realize I was sitting at a stop light, lol.) As I was driving home, it hit me that this was about WPPI. Racing through the door, I grabed my computer and quickly pulled up my email account. There it was one email from him, and like six facebook comments on a picture of me that Joy had posted. I opened his, which read, "DUDE..... one of your senior pictures just one first place individual portraits at WPPI. NICE!!!!!!!!!!!!" Uncontrollably, I started jumping around the kitchen, calling my mother, my dad, my sister, my cousin Steve, my grama (and thats how we spell her name, no joke), etc.

I am soo happy for both Garrett and Joy. To check it out go to their blog.

Also, a shout-out to my good friend Jashira. Happy Birthday! Had a blast last night at the party.

Talk to yall soon!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

"Gifted Hands"

Hello all! I know, I know, I wrote last night and now I'm writing again when it had been two or more weeks since my last post. For those of you who did not tune in last night to the television premier of "Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story," check your TV listings to find out when it is showing again on TNT. Cuba Gooding Jr. did an excellent job portraying Dr. Ben Carson. This film shows what sheer determination can do and how God works through people.
This film was really cool for me in to ways. One, I have been a fan of Dr. Carson and his witnessing for a number of years now. And two, because the director of this film, is the soon to be father-in-law to my cousin.
If you haven't had the opportunity to view it yet, I highly encourage you check it out. It is an amazing story.

Talk to you soon!

Saturday, February 7, 2009


Hello all! I know it has been a long time since I posted anything, but I have been extremely busy with school and projects. This week I had two really fun photo shoots for my senior project, they turned out great. But I will not be posting those pictures until April with the rest of my senior project. I have two more shoots scheduled for this week that I am really excited about.
Also, I am glad that my new website is up and running and all the bugs are worked out. There are two galleries that are not up yet, but will be up soon. Feel free to check it out and let me know what you think.

Talk to you soon!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

44th President of the United States

(photo: courtesy of
Hello all! Today marks a day to remember that will be in history books for this next school year. I do not care whether you are for or against President Obama, and as most of my friends can attest to, I hate politics with a passion. But, I hope that you all will adapt my philosophy, and that is, whom ever is in the position of President of the United States will get my respect for the position that they hold. It does not matter if I agree with them on every topic, but it does matter how I handle my disagreements and what outlet I use to air them.
Today at 11:30am as everyone was coming up onto the platform, I began my prayerful begging with God to guide our new leaders of the United States as they come into office. We are at a critical time in our countries history, and we as a country need God more than ever to guide us.
I nearly started to cry when Itzhaf Perlman, along with Yo-Yo Ma, started to play. For those of you who do not know, Perlman has not preformed publicly in a few years. That fact that he was playing there today was just amazing.
Well, I am off to class. But as I leave you here, I ask again that you pray for our country's leaders as they take their new positions in office.

Talk to you soon!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Happy Holidays-Late-From the Herods

Hello all! Sorry its taken me so long to put up my family's Holiday photo, but we didn't take it until a week ago, lol. Just wanted you all to get a little idea of what our house and family looked like over the holiday season.

Talk you soon!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Another Week Down

Hello all! I hope that each of you are doing wonderful. Well another week down, who knows how many more to go, lol. The beginning to the countdown until graduation has started. Now that the first week of classes for this semester is over, I am more OK with the choice of classes. There are a couple of classes that I am not so excited about, but I will get through them. I have made up my mind about that. I don't care what else happens this semester as long as I get through these classes with a high enough GPA for grad-school.
I am still job searching, and researching different companies and organizations. And while I am finding more jobs available than when I was looking a couple of weeks ago, it still is a little disconcerting.
Well the prayer request that I asked yall to pray for last fall, my aunt with lung cancer, still is needing your prayers. She has held on longer than the three months that the doctors gave her, but my cousin said that she is getting more confused. I just pray that she does not have to suffer.
Well I have to get back to my studies. I just wanted to catch you up.

Talk to you soon!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Rachel Joy Scott

Hey all! I was most definitely moved today in convocation. The guest speaker today was the sister of Rachel Joy Scott, Dana Scott. Rachel was the first student shot and killed at Columbine High school in Colorado back on April 20, 1999. Most of us can remember where we were when we heard about it. Or remember being glued to the television watching the news.
As Dana told us about her loving, God fearing, out going, and kind hearted sister, I found myself drifting back to that moment. To this day, even after hearing the story from the news and from Dana, I still have a hard time believing it happened, and really do not understand. But then again, I do not think any of us can really understand. Sitting there in the gymnasium, watching the screen with the video clips of Rachel and of the news reels, I found that I could not see past the water forming in my eyes. I kept wondering what was going on in her mind while all of this was going on. I was wondering how she felt right there at the end, and I found my self asking God why her. I know for me I would be thinking of my family and just wishing I could say goodbye to them.
The story of this young 17-year-old girl, is a powerful and inspiring one, that has had her sister and other family members telling about her faith all over the United States and a couple other countries. I encourage the rest of you to go to the website that her family has set up in her memory to learn her story.

Talk to you soon!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Another Semester

Hey all! Well Im back in school. Monday I started my last first day of undergrad, it was a little sureal. This semester is going to be by far my most busiest semester ever. I am taking 18 hours of credit, and my Tuesday schedule is my roughest. I have class from 2-8:30/9:00pm straight. Crazy I know, and hopefully I will still be alive at the end of this school year, lol.
Other than the hecticness of getting into the swing of things, everything is pretty good. My new portfolio site is up, but for some odd reason my photo galleries are not working. I am having one of my people, several of my people actually, look into it. As soon as it is all working fine I will post a screen shot of it.
I am still working on my senior project, which is coming along quite nicely. I am lucky to have a mentor like Garrett to play ideas for my shoots or edit plans off of.
Right now I have been job searching and researching the companies that are listed and its a little depressing. So many of the businesses that are out there are on hiring freezes, and others are wanting people now, not in May when I graduate.
But all will work out, I have faith it will.

Talk to you soon!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

"The Lucky One"

Hey all! Hope you have been having the best of the first three days of the new year.
As most of my friends will attest to, I am a huge Nicholas Sparks fan. And a couple of months ago, I posted on here that I had just received the pre-ordered newest book of his, "The Lucky One." With all the hustle and bustle of school and trying to keep my grades up, I had not had the chance to read it yet, until this break. I have just put it down, after finishing, and as with finishing all his books, had a lump in my throat. This is a very touching and well written book. I am constantly amazed at his writing talents. I do highly recommend this book to any reader.
I am a little saddened that my last Christmas break as a college student is coming to a close. Monday, I start back on my last semester in my undergraduate degree. It is a little scary and exciting all at once. I am taking 18 hrs of credit this semester, plus finishing my sr. project. But, God is good, and He will see me through all of this. May is so close and so far away, but will be here sooner than I know it.
I have to put all my books aside until after I finish my classes this semester. So I will have to tell you what I think of "P.S. I Love You" later on this year.

Talk to you soon!