Tuesday, January 20, 2009

44th President of the United States

(photo: courtesy of CNN.com)
Hello all! Today marks a day to remember that will be in history books for this next school year. I do not care whether you are for or against President Obama, and as most of my friends can attest to, I hate politics with a passion. But, I hope that you all will adapt my philosophy, and that is, whom ever is in the position of President of the United States will get my respect for the position that they hold. It does not matter if I agree with them on every topic, but it does matter how I handle my disagreements and what outlet I use to air them.
Today at 11:30am as everyone was coming up onto the platform, I began my prayerful begging with God to guide our new leaders of the United States as they come into office. We are at a critical time in our countries history, and we as a country need God more than ever to guide us.
I nearly started to cry when Itzhaf Perlman, along with Yo-Yo Ma, started to play. For those of you who do not know, Perlman has not preformed publicly in a few years. That fact that he was playing there today was just amazing.
Well, I am off to class. But as I leave you here, I ask again that you pray for our country's leaders as they take their new positions in office.

Talk to you soon!

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