Saturday, January 3, 2009

"The Lucky One"

Hey all! Hope you have been having the best of the first three days of the new year.
As most of my friends will attest to, I am a huge Nicholas Sparks fan. And a couple of months ago, I posted on here that I had just received the pre-ordered newest book of his, "The Lucky One." With all the hustle and bustle of school and trying to keep my grades up, I had not had the chance to read it yet, until this break. I have just put it down, after finishing, and as with finishing all his books, had a lump in my throat. This is a very touching and well written book. I am constantly amazed at his writing talents. I do highly recommend this book to any reader.
I am a little saddened that my last Christmas break as a college student is coming to a close. Monday, I start back on my last semester in my undergraduate degree. It is a little scary and exciting all at once. I am taking 18 hrs of credit this semester, plus finishing my sr. project. But, God is good, and He will see me through all of this. May is so close and so far away, but will be here sooner than I know it.
I have to put all my books aside until after I finish my classes this semester. So I will have to tell you what I think of "P.S. I Love You" later on this year.

Talk to you soon!

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