Sunday, February 22, 2009

WPPI Excitement...

Hello all! I hope that yall have had a good couple of weeks since my last blog. Things have been really crazy with school, projects, and midterms. (God willing my last midterms of undergrad, lol.) I am just looking forward to this coming Thursday and the starting of Spring Break!

About a month ago, I was hanging out downtown at the studio with Garrett and he tells me that he was going to enter a couple of the photos, he had taking in my senior session, WPPI (which is like the biggest thing for photographers). That kind of made me nervous that people would be looking and analyzing pictures of me, so I tried to put it out of my mind.

I knew that this past week Garrett would be out there, but I tried not to think about it and just focus on school. I went to the eye doctor Thursday, of this past week, and on the way home I get this text from Garrett, "Dude, check your email!!!" I quickly fired back that I would when I get home, I am in the car. To which I received, "Ok. Don't text and drive. LOL." (He did not realize I was sitting at a stop light, lol.) As I was driving home, it hit me that this was about WPPI. Racing through the door, I grabed my computer and quickly pulled up my email account. There it was one email from him, and like six facebook comments on a picture of me that Joy had posted. I opened his, which read, "DUDE..... one of your senior pictures just one first place individual portraits at WPPI. NICE!!!!!!!!!!!!" Uncontrollably, I started jumping around the kitchen, calling my mother, my dad, my sister, my cousin Steve, my grama (and thats how we spell her name, no joke), etc.

I am soo happy for both Garrett and Joy. To check it out go to their blog.

Also, a shout-out to my good friend Jashira. Happy Birthday! Had a blast last night at the party.

Talk to yall soon!

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