Friday, April 17, 2009

One Week to Go!!

Hey all! I am so excited that graduation is almost here. I am sitting in my class and realized that I only have three more class periods in this class, then text week. This semester has been so busy and so hectic, I am so looking forward to hearing my name called, walking across the stage, shaking Bietz's hand and posing for the photo, waiting on the other side of the stage as my cousin (who will be right behind me) to congratulate him as well. While I only took four years, and some of my friends have taken longer, this has been a long journey that I never thought would come to an end. I sit here in class reminiscing over my last four years of college, thinking of what I would have liked to do differently and the times I wish I had taken to hangout with friends more.
I want to thank all of you who have been praying for me as I attend classes that are harder for me than others. Calling me and asking when my tests are, so that you can be praying for me as I study and take the tests. That has meant so much to me that it is impossible for me to express my gratitude.
To my friends: In high-school, I believe we make friends to survive. There are those friends for high-school that I can see myself staying in contact with for life, but we have changed and have grown in many ways and a the majority of the ways are apart. In college, I believe that those friends you make more of choice according to the growth that is taking place with in you. These friends I do believe you will keep in better contact with. I hope that is true, because the friends that I have made here in college, I am going to miss you more than the school. Thank you for allowing me to be apart of your life.
Well I probably should pay attention now, to insure my graduation. :)

Talk to yall soon!

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