Saturday, September 27, 2008

Sad News

Hey all! I just saw some sad news. One of the most talented actors, writers, racecar driver, saled dressing king and philanthrapists died toda. Paul Newman at age 83 pasted away. Please keep his family in your prayers.

Talk to you soon!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Ashley and Jordan's Wedding Logo

Hello all! This summer my friends Ashley and Jordan asked me to design a logo for them to use on all of their wedding "products." They did not know exactly what they wanted, and asked me to just come up with stuff and then show them. That was hard for me because I was running out of ideas and asked Ashely to please show me some that she liked. She went to a blog of a graphic designer named Dio Selina, who is a wonderful graphic designer. Ashley found several that she liked and asked me to try and make something similar to those. Now we finaly have the logo done.Here is the logo, I am glad that we finally have something and now we can start on the save the date cards, invitations, etc.

Talk to you soon!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Friends in Florida

Hello people! I have the pictures of me hanging out with my friends and my cousin ready to show you now. You ready?
This is Danielle (on the left), and Sarah (in the middle) and of course me. Danielle and Sarah both graduated my freshman year in college. They both worked in the same department I did as well, and because of that, we became good friends. Now they both are in Florida working, I miss you guys. And Congratulations to Sarah and Chris on your up coming wedding. Oh and Sarah, I still think of your "Where is Waldow" (with a certain professor) fund raising plan. It still makes me laugh. We all got to go out and eat Friday night for supper, and just talk and catch up.
This is me of course, and my cousin Gina. Gina graduated my freshman year too, and now works down in Florida as well. I miss her so much, the chaplain's office is not the same with out you. Gina introduced me to her boyfriend Kevin, who is totally awesome. Kevin had me over for Sabbath lunch with them, and I just got to hang out with them all afternoon. Thank you Kevin for letting me invade your house.

It was so great to see old friends, and new friends over this trip. Thanks to Chris and Kevin for taking the photos, sorry you could not be in them. You two are luck to have very sweet girls, hold on to them tight. That is it for now.

Talk to you soon!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Photo Shoot and Florida

Hey all! Sorry its been so long. I am still trying to get back into the swing of things since I got back from Florida. The trip was great and the photo shoot was amazing. I got to hang out with some friends from college that are now down there working. I also got to see my cousin and meet her boyfriend. I will have pictures posted from hanging out with my friends and my cousin later. And then on Sunday we had a wedding, that went great without a hitch. Hope all of you are doing well too. Garrett and Joy's Open House for coBBlestone rue is this Thursday, RSVP only. Sorry. But be checking his blog for pictures from the event.

Talk to you soon!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Photo Shoots

Hello all! I want to first wish my cousin Bree a Happy Birthday!! I love you and wish I could be with y'all to help you celebrate, but since I can't have fun with Brandon and Ali.
I had such a fun time last night. Garrett called and said that there was a photo shoot scheduled for a family portrait session and asked if I wanted to come. When I found out that it was one of my closest friends from Academy's family I was so excited. That family is so much fun to hang out with and just plain crazy. lol (luv y'all)
This week, I leave with Garrett on Thursday morning for Florida. We have a Bridal Magazine shoot on Friday and a Wedding on Sunday. I'm so excited to go and get this great learning experience, and see my cousin and her boyfriend and another friend I haven't seen in two years.
This internship with Garrett is the most worthwhile experience that I have had up to this point. Everyone deserves to have a boss/supervisor like Garrett and Joy.

Talk to you soon!