Thursday, December 23, 2010

2 More Days Until Christmas

Hey all! I know its been a week since I was last on, sorry about that. Getting ready for Christmas and working on some freelance projects has been keeping me busy the last week. There is a major reason I like getting all my Christmas shopping done before November...Traffic! My sister and I went in town the other night for her to pick up a few last minute items. Traffic was insane. How come one of the most festive and joyous times of the year creates such rudeness and disdain in the hearts and actions of men? I feel sorry for these people, because letting that into their hearts and actions robs Christmas from not only them but others. My Christmas Wish is that these people remember the true meaning of Christmas and the season. To borrow an analogy from a movie I saw on GMC, "Remember, Christmas starts with a 'Capital C.'"

Off to finish baking cookies with my mother. Talk to y'all soon!!!

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