Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Celebration/Belated Happy 4th of July

Hello all! Last week, we as a nation took time out of our hectic lives to celebrate this country’s freedoms. Now, I am not going to get political, but I just wanted to take a moment an reflect on the sacrifices that our forefathers made to purchase the freedoms that we hold dear. 

This weekend, my father posed the question, "Was it worth it?" That question holds such weight whenever it is asked. Our forefathers, I believe, would definitely agree that declaring our independence from the motherland was worth it. I won’t dive deep into history, but if you do study that era of history you will see time and time again when our founders literally gave all they had, and eventually died pennyless. All for the cause of our country’s freedom. 

Talk to y'all soon!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Life Friends

Hello all!! Yesterday was a fun day for me at our family friend's lake house. I was able to catch up with one of my life long friends and spent the day with them and their family. Life takes us in so many directions, but I love how when true friends get together it's like they really have not been apart that long.

Talk to y'all soon!!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Advice For The Work Place

Hello all! After attending a seminar a couple weeks ago, I was impressed to offer up some advice for the work place. In school, they taught us how to dress for work both casual and business. We were taught what was appropriate and what was not professional.

That being said, when the presenter took the stage, I was offended as she walked up the steps. What she wore was nothing that I would consider professional wear or presenter wear. What shocked me after seeing what she was wearing, which would have been fine for a casual day in the office but not professional, was that she was not new to the seminar circuit. While the material that she was sharing was good information, the distraction of what she was wearing diminished the value of the presentation.

Afterwards, I spoke with some coworkers of mine (who had also attended the seminar) and discovered that I was not the only one offended. Please understand that it is not a gender thing that I am harping on, if a guy was the presenter and up there in a polo-shirt and khakis I would be telling him to go out and buy a business suit. These are just the basics that everyone should know without really having to be told.

Remember, if you look professional and speak professionally, whomever you are speaking with will only remember how professional you are. Also, those three little words your mother taught you to say, "Please and Thank You," go a long way in the workplace. The more courteous you are to others, the more courteous they will be to you.

Talk to y'all soon!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day

Photo Credit: Janita Herod, c.1986

Hello all, I just wanted to wish my father and all the other father's out there a very Happy Father's Day.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Jason's & Andrea's Wedding Weekend

Hello all, I wanted to share a couple photos from my cousin Jason's wedding for you all. Beautiful Savannah, GA wedding.

Talk to y'all soon!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Life Updates

Hello all, I can't believe how long it has been since I was last on here. Above is a photo of my sister that I took of her during a portrait session.  Since the last time, Christmas came and went and a new year was started. My cousin Jason was married in Savannah, GA this spring and my family and I went on vacation.

I am currently working on a photography project for the Chattanooga Visitor's Bureau. This project is allowing me to rediscover the things to do in Chattanooga. 

Talk to y'all soon!