Saturday, May 21, 2011

Family Vacation

Hello all, I am sorry that it has been a couple of weeks since my last post. I have been settling back into the swing of things. I was in North Carolina for a week before heading out on our family vacation, my first vacation in three years. Needless to say it was much needed. We went to Tybee Island, Georgia. It is an island right off the coast of Savannah. It was beautiful, peaceful and the week before peek season started.

I headed down early on the Sunday morning, before the rest of my family left, so that I could spend some time in the heart of Savannah by myself. Savannah is a beautiful historic Southern town, full of charm and tourist (laughing). I had my camera and my book (for bookclub) as I left the paid parking lot to just enjoy the city.

If you have never been it is a good size town with a small town feel. There is a large number of town squares, parks really, almost every other block. No playgrounds; just tree draped with Spanish Moss, park benches and swatches of grass bordered by flowering plants. The breeze from the river wash over the city keeping the town folk cool and refreshed.

After taking some pictures and walking around a bit, I found a nice quite square that no one was inhabiting and nestled down on a bench as I was sucked into my book for the next couple of hours. It was so peaceful and made me wish we had these squares around our house. I got up and headed down to river street.

When driving around earlier, I had made the mistake of driving my car down river street. Now you have to remember I have a tiny little sports car, that does not have luxury shocks. It was like riding around in a rock tumbler on those cobblestone streets. I had bounced around and even bottomed out a couple times before finding my way back up to a parking lot off the main street, this time I was heading down there on foot.

I browsed my way through multiple shops, took lots of detailed pictures before heading on out to Tybee and checking into our families condo for the week. I spent most of the week in the sun with a book and my iPod. But every morning I would grab my running shoes, my iPod and my Nike+ chip and head out for a run on the beach before breakfast where I would run a 5K. Later on in the week I was able to take my family back through the charming city and enjoy some more shopping.

Vacations are always sad though...eventually they come to an end. It is so easy to get sucked back up into the hustle and bustle of everyday life when we return home, but never forget the memories that you shared with your family and friends. I cannot wait for my next vacation and I hope that I do not have to wait as long this time.

Talk to y'all soon!

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