Friday, December 26, 2008

Taylor and Filp Made it Home!

Hello all! I hope you are having a wonderful Holiday Season. As for me, well, I am soo happy that one of my best friends from academy, and her husband, finally made it back to the US for Christmas. This is my friend Taylor and her husband Filip. Their paper work, to come home, was taking too long and they missed their original flight home a week ago. So Wednesday, when they arrived here, I had to rush over to see them. It has been a year since I saw Taylor and two years since I saw Filip. I knew with their shorten trip, due to the paper work delays, that there were going to be a lot of family that wanted to see them too. So, I high tailed it over there when her mom, Laure, texted me that they were home. Welcome home the both of you! And to all the rest of you I hope that the joys of the season are abundant for you and your loved ones.

Talk to you soon!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Asheville, NC

Hello all! Yesterday I got to spend the day with my sister and her her boyfriend driving over to my old home town. We left early to so that we could go to church, drive up and see the old house, the old school, and go and visit my Mother's aunt, who is not doing well. It was so nice to all the faces of my childhood and some new ones. No matter how long it has been since I left, it is still going home to me. I love you all and yall will always have a special place in my heart.

Talk to you soon!

Friday, December 5, 2008

This Time of Year

Hello all! This time of year is always exciting for me, because I love love love Christmas. And this year I am even more excited with the fact that one of my cousins is back for the holidays from Australia, another cousin and her husband and kids is coming out here from California and one of my best friends in the whole world is coming home with her husband from England for Christmas. To top that, and yes it can be, I am pleased to announce that my cousin Amanda has just given birth to a little baby boy, Baby James 6 lbs 7 oz 19 in, this afternoon. Baby's first Christmas! Christmas is truly my favorite holiday. No matter how old I get, in my mind I revert back to the little kid who would just get soo excited by all that was going on, and would end up telling the family what they were getting from him for Christmas. (Granted I don't tell them now, but I still get excited its hard to not tell them, lol.) I am not sure if I remember this because I did it or because we have on tape, but I was about two years old and just was soo excited about Christmas that it was hard for me to sleep. I ended up down stairs with Mother and Daddy eating Cheerios watching my sister's bobble Santa under the tree. All the time tickeling myself with the tree. Christmas is my favorite time of year. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas this year.

Talk to you soon!