Monday, July 28, 2008

Atlanta, GA

Hey everyone, I just got a hold of the group shot from my trip to Atlanta, GA with some of my friends a week ago. This restaurant, that I can't remember the name of right now, has some of the best garlic fried eggplant.
My friends and I went down to see our friend Amanda, sister to Lindsey, who lives down their and is going to school. We miss her up here and wish she wasn't so far away, but its a good thing that she isn't farther than that. (Yea for only an 1 hr and half away.)

Talk to you soon!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Family Outing

Hey everyone, I just thought I would share with you some photos of one of my favorite Universities ever. Ever hear of Sewanee, the University of the South? This university is so beautiful, it is like stepping over into Europe but in Tennessee.
This is one of the classroom buildings that is attached to the church which is an Anglican, Cathedral. Right before we left, we drove past the cemetery and we saw a deer eating some of the grass growing on top of the graves. I grabbed my camera and walked slowly and talked softly and go really close and many pictures before he took off running.
This was just such an awesome experience. He kept checking me out to see if I was going to harm him, but as long as I just talked slow he was fine. This was the closest I have ever been able to be to a deer except in a petting zoo.
If you ever have a chance to go to Suwanee, take it you will not regret it.

Talk to you soon!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Hanging Out With Friends

Hey everyone! TGIF!
This evening I had the opportunity to hang out with some of my friends at my house for a change. Most of the time I am at their houses. We had a hot dog roast, in a fire pit in my families driveway, and my mom did a wonderful job with all the food, especially the icecream desert 'Buster Bars'. It was a big hit with my friends, except Matt who is vegan. After the food was over we sat around talking as the sun was setting. Then Jeremy got out my dad's guitar and we all sat around singing 'Praise and Worship' songs for hours. As soon as one would end, we would start another one. One time we thought it was drawing to a close and my mom asked us to keep going.
Jeremy props to how fast your fingers can fly on those strings.
Thank you to my mother and dad for letting my friends invade their house.

Talk to you soon!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Portfolio Site

Hello again! I just realized that I did not inform you about my portfolio site. Two years ago I created a site for a class on my emphasis in school. I am Mass Communications major emphasizing in Photography. So my site was a photography site, and I was never really in love with the site, it just was not me. This past year I went on a search to find out what is me and how can it represent me, as in my identity package. I loved my logo that my teacher, Laure Chamberlain, helped me create but everything else just did not say "Courtney Herod." During another class I had to create a business card for myself and that is when everything started to fall into place. I chose my colors and then once I had my business cards done, they screamed me. I have been working on my new site that is not just photography. This site will cover my writing (the published works that is), my designs (I am a freelance graphic designer), and my photography. One thing that people do not realize is that just because my emphasis is photography, that is not my major. The degree I will graduate with in May will be a BS in Mass Communication. This degree trains me in every form of communication, basically making it possible for me to work anywhere.
I am really excited about b
eing a senior this year, the end is in site. Part of my senior year will be working on a senior project. I will being have a gallery showing, tba, towards the end of the school year showcasing my work from this year in the photography aspect of my degree. This summer has really been a learning experience for me. I have been interning with international wedding photographer Garrett Nudd of Garrett Nudd Photography and of coBBlestone rue a couture portrait studio. He and his wife Joy, have been so incredibly nice and helpful as I get ready to head out into the world of work for the rest of my life. I am so greatful to them for giving me this incredible eyeopening experience. Thank you to both of you!
I will be posting this year some of my designs from clients as well as I will let you all know when my new site is up and active.

Talk to you soon.

New to Blogging

Hello everybody on the world wide web!
I have decided to start blogging to keep you all updated on what is happening with me as I head into my senior year.
I am starting to plan out my year and what I have to do to see that little piece of paper in my hand in May.
I have never blogged anywhere but MySpace so I might not keep this as updated as I would like to. But I will try not to leave you out on my incredible life. lol
